Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Memorial Day Long Weekend Trip @ Sequoia National Park


這個禮拜六是Memorial Day Long Weekend, 開心果要5/23-5/24(Sat and Sun)去Sequoia National Park玩二天一夜, 所以聚會暫停一次! 請各位弟兄姊妹為這次的Trip禱告喔!!!

Day 01

6:30AM集合 -->
7AM出發 -->
約中午前直接到達Sequoia Foothill Visitor Center -->
買Crystal Cave的票 -->
12PM Lunch (自備) -->
下午我們選一個時間去Crystal Cave Tour 45 Mins -->
Hotel Check-In (after 3PM) + 休息 -->
Dinner @ Holiday Inn Dinner Buffet or Any Restaurant Around the Hotel -->
看星星 @ Swimming Pool /Jacuzzi (自備泳衣) -->
Prepare for Tomorrow's Hiking!


Day 02

7AM Breakfast -->
8AM Sunday Fellowship (About 40 Mins to 1 Hour) -->
9AM 出發 to Sequoia National Park (約一個小時開車進去) -->
Tunnel Rock -->
Hospital Rock -->
Amphitheater Point (a broad turnout on the Generals Highway) -->
The Auto Log -->
Moro Rock -->
The Tunnel Log -->
Crescent Meadow -->
12PM Lunch @ Wuksachi Lodge or Lodgepole Vistors Center -->
General Sherman -->
The Big Trees Trail -->
Giant Forest Museum -->
Go Home!



1. Hotel有游泳池和Jacuzzi, 想要游泳的弟兄姊妹請自備泳衣
Sat, Partly Cloudy最熱87 degrees F, 最冷60 degrees F /
Sun, Mostly Sunny, 最熱90 degrees F, 最冷62 degrees F,
3. Temperature in the Crustal Cave is a constant 48 degrees F, 請大家還是帶一件外套, 而且早晚也可以禦寒
4. 愛漂亮的女生們, 別忘了你們的防曬油和帽子喔! 至於洋傘也是可以啦, 只不過這樣會不會很難爬Moro Rock呢? 哈!
5. 愛拍照的弟兄姊妹, 別忘了你們的相機電池和Memory Cardssssssss! 要不然到時候不夠照, 會很想哭吧, 哈哈哈哈哈哈.......
6. 現金信用卡日常用品這些都是一定要的啦!
7. 請大家穿運動服或是舒服的鞋子Hiking喔!
8. 預防蚊蟲請帶防蚊液!



Car #1: Will, Syd, Will, Janice, Zoya
Car #2: Ed, Sam, Sarah, Kelly
Car #3: Daniel, Daniel's Friend's Famliy
Car #4: Charles, Eva? (Since Eva knows Charles longer.....)
Car #5: Terry, Jeffrey

Now we have Anita, Katy, and Ruth, three of you can choose car #4 4Runner by Charles or Car #5 BMW by Terry?!

We will split gas and the parking cost between all the people on the car!


Hotel Rooms:

Room#1: Janice, Will, Zoya, Syd, Will ($88 per room)
Room#2: Sam, Edward, Sarah, Kelly ($88 per room)
Room#3: Anita, Eva, Katy, Ruth ($22 per person/$88 per room)
Room#4: Terry, Jeffrey ($44 per person/$88 per room)
Room#5: Charles, Daniel ($44 per person/$88 per room)
Room#6: Daniel's Friend's Family ($88 per room)

Will + Janice

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