Wednesday, January 16, 2008

2008 Bible Study Schedule!

Hello everyone,

Just want to let you know that a group has been setup to keep track of our 2008 bible reading. Our goal is to read through the entire bible by the end of this year!!!

The purpose of setting up a group is so that we can keep each other accountable. By reading the same schedule we can encourage and support one another.

Here is the what you'll need to do to join the group:

Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Create a new account
Step 3: Find a group (Look for Joy Fruit Small Group)
Step 4: Join Group

That's it! very simple and as you finish each day's reading, simply mark it completed so we can track everyone's progress. Since today is january 14 already, please feel free to make up reading from january 1 till now. That way we can still finish it by december 31.

I will try to put together a paper form schedule in case anyone needs it.

Feel free to invite any friends to join our reading group. please let me know if you have any questions.


01.19.2008 Metting


01.19.2008這個星期六, 我們會到 Allen家聚會. 因為Will Chen星期六早上要參加ㄧ個葬禮, Will和我早上也有事情, 所以時間還是下午4PM喔!!!

我們會討論新年節目和Sign Up新的Schedule!

日期: 01.19.2008
時間: 4PM
敬拜: Will Hsien
遊戲: Sydney
話語: Ruth & Allen
點心: Kate

Friday, January 11, 2008

01.12.2008 Meeting



01.12.2008這個星期六, 我們會到Cindy & Kevin家聚會, 時間改為下午4PM喔!!!

日期: 01.12.2008
時間: 4PM
敬拜: Will Chen
遊戲: Ruth & Allen
話語: Will Hsien
點心: Cindy

Thursday, January 3, 2008

01.05.2008 Meeting


新年快樂! 新年蒙福!!!

更要高興的是我們小組在聖誕節的前夕又增添了ㄧ個小北鼻, 那就是淑芬和文科的"Freya"!!! 目前淑芬在坐月子中心, ㄧ切都很平安, 感謝讚美主!

這個星期六01.05.2008, 我們會在Kate家聚會! 我們這次沒有聚餐, 準時7PM開始, 這次Will也就是陳傳道將會帶我們話語, 所以別忘了讀馬太福音6-10章喔~!


日期: 01.05.2008
時間: 7PM
破冰: Ruth + Alan
敬拜: Will Hsien
話語: Will Chen
點心: Janice

-- & Janice \(^0^)/

開心果小組的布拉格Blog :

你必將生命的道路指示我, 在你面前有滿足的喜樂, 在你右手中有永遠的福樂. — 詩篇16:11